Something about this coronavirus…

This coronavirus that’s spreading around is bad. However, should we Christians worry about it? Short answer: No, not really. Long answer: If you are a Christian, you have been bought with the Blood that Christ spilt on the cross. You have had your sins washed away. You are a Child of the King- the King … More Something about this coronavirus…

Man’s changing word vs God’s unchanging Word.

Today I read an article from MSN. This is what it says: “Astronomers have spotted a huge planet that they thought would not be able to exist. ” ‘The vast world – a Jupiter-like exoplanet that is 30 light-years away – could force us to re-write our understanding of how planets form’, scientists say. “It … More Man’s changing word vs God’s unchanging Word.

Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.

Ever wondered, “How can I reply to this person to share the Gospel with them?” when online? For example, say you’re on Facebook or something and you post John 3:16 or something. Perhaps you post the Gospel or a link to an article about the Gospel. Either way, someone replies with, for example, “Everlasting life … More Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.

AI is becoming very powerful- and it’s only just getting worse.

Revelation 13:15 “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Now what does that verse sound like? Artificial intelligence. AI. Today I found this- … More AI is becoming very powerful- and it’s only just getting worse.