Something about this coronavirus…

This coronavirus that’s spreading around is bad. However, should we Christians worry about it? Short answer: No, not really. Long answer: If you are a Christian, you have been bought with the Blood that Christ spilt on the cross. You have had your sins washed away. You are a Child of the King- the King … More Something about this coronavirus…

Man’s changing word vs God’s unchanging Word.

Today I read an article from MSN. This is what it says: “Astronomers have spotted a huge planet that they thought would not be able to exist. ” ‘The vast world – a Jupiter-like exoplanet that is 30 light-years away – could force us to re-write our understanding of how planets form’, scientists say. “It … More Man’s changing word vs God’s unchanging Word.

Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.

Ever wondered, “How can I reply to this person to share the Gospel with them?” when online? For example, say you’re on Facebook or something and you post John 3:16 or something. Perhaps you post the Gospel or a link to an article about the Gospel. Either way, someone replies with, for example, “Everlasting life … More Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.