What is God’s good news?

Recently I was patrolling the depths of Quora and I stumbled apon a question that said, “What is God’s good news?”. Here’s my answer: That He has given us a Way to enteral life! You see, we are all affected by something called sin. It’s what makes us do bad things and why the world … More What is God’s good news?

Man’s changing word vs God’s unchanging Word.

Today I read an article from MSN. This is what it says: “Astronomers have spotted a huge planet that they thought would not be able to exist. ” ‘The vast world – a Jupiter-like exoplanet that is 30 light-years away – could force us to re-write our understanding of how planets form’, scientists say. “It … More Man’s changing word vs God’s unchanging Word.

Just so you know, Salvation is by faith ALONE in Jesus Christ ALONE!

There are MANY ways people say you can get saved. Some people say that you become saved when you both have faith in Jesus and turn away from your sins- i.e, no more sinning. Some people say you become saved when you get baptized in water. There are many more, but none of them are … More Just so you know, Salvation is by faith ALONE in Jesus Christ ALONE!