Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.

Ever wondered, “How can I reply to this person to share the Gospel with them?” when online? For example, say you’re on Facebook or something and you post John 3:16 or something. Perhaps you post the Gospel or a link to an article about the Gospel. Either way, someone replies with, for example, “Everlasting life … More Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.

One day, Facebook will be able to read your mind…

No, you didn’t read that wrongly- Facebook is spending millions to create technology capable of reading the human mind. Using similar technology to an MRI machine, it uses fibre-optics and/or lasers to measure changes in blood flow. Shocked? Well, I’m going to shock you even more. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has called for … More One day, Facebook will be able to read your mind…