Writer’s block and an encouragement to those who struggle with sin.

I don’t know if you’ve ever written a book or a blog post and found yourself thinking, “What should I write next?” Yeah, I’ve been finding that and it called writer’s block. I feel I’ve got the big things out there, like the Gospel, and have no idea what to do next. That may be … More Writer’s block and an encouragement to those who struggle with sin.

Believing that DNA formed by itself is like saying that a book formed on it’s own…

Evolutionist believe that DNA, the book of life, formed by it’s own, from nothing. Ok, now that is silly. DNA is the instruction book of life. Without it, life would not exist. So why is it then that evolutionists believe that it came from nothing, on it’s own? Think of it like this- do you … More Believing that DNA formed by itself is like saying that a book formed on it’s own…

Do you have a question about God, Jesus, the Bible or anything like that?

Then ask me! Any question you ask me will be researched until I have an answer. Then I will either post it on my website or, if you decline that, I’ll just send you the answer. To ask me a question, contact me or comment below. If you have a website, I will add a … More Do you have a question about God, Jesus, the Bible or anything like that?

Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.

Ever wondered, “How can I reply to this person to share the Gospel with them?” when online? For example, say you’re on Facebook or something and you post John 3:16 or something. Perhaps you post the Gospel or a link to an article about the Gospel. Either way, someone replies with, for example, “Everlasting life … More Here’s what to reply with to a non-Christian online.