Was Paul a false apostle?

There is this belief that the apostle Paul was, in fact, not a apostle but instead, a false apostle. I mean, whaaaaaaaaaaa……? These people will not take Paul’s letters as evidence for his apostleship, so now I will show you, reader of this blog post somewhere on the internet, that he was, in fact, a … More Was Paul a false apostle?

The simple guide on how to memorize/remember Bible verses.

So have you been wondering just how to memorize Bible verses? Well here’s how! When you find the verse or verses you want to memorize, brake it down into smaller parts. For example, John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should … More The simple guide on how to memorize/remember Bible verses.

One day, Facebook will be able to read your mind…

No, you didn’t read that wrongly- Facebook is spending millions to create technology capable of reading the human mind. Using similar technology to an MRI machine, it uses fibre-optics and/or lasers to measure changes in blood flow. Shocked? Well, I’m going to shock you even more. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has called for … More One day, Facebook will be able to read your mind…

Who is Jesus?

Short answer: God and the Saviour of the world. Long answer: Jesus was sent by God to save the world from it’s sins by dying on the cross. At the same time, He was, is and is to come GOD! I know, it’s odd, but it’s true: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, … More Who is Jesus?